
These general terms and conditions (the “General Terms”) apply to all services rendered, goods delivered and any use of the webshop offered by NP 2021 ApS, CVR no. 42760749, Strandgade 93, 1401 Copenhagen K, Denmark (“Noma Projects”, & “we”), to you as our customer (“Customer” or “you”).

You may only use our services if you accept the General Terms and by dealing with Noma Projects, you accept to be bound by these General Terms.
Any changes to the General Terms require the written consent from Noma Projects, and we do not accept differing or conflicting terms and conditions of the Customer, even if the Customer draws our attention to said differing terms and conditions.

1 Our services and your use of them

1.1 Noma Projects’ business covered by these General Term is the provision of ordering and delivery food and everyday items via our webshop: www.nomaprojects.com.

1.2 For the purpose of ordering products, Customers must register with their name, telephone number and email address, and a delivery address must be entered before placing an order. The Customer is responsible for ensuring that the registered data is always up-to-date

1.3 Customers must make sure to prevent unauthorized access to the device used to place orders and/or the data needed to place orders. Customers will be liable for all transactions made using their data, unless caused by a failure on the side of Noma Projects.

1.4 Customers must not (i) use or attempt to use another person’s data for orders; (ii) place orders using a false identity or the identity of another person; or (iii) access the webshop in any other manner than via the access methods provided by Noma Projects. The Customer may not use the webshop for any illegal or unauthorized purpose, nor violate any laws in connection with the Customer's use of the webshop, including transmission of worms or viruses or any code of a destructive nature etc.

1.5 You must not transmit any worms or viruses or any code of a destructive nature

1.6 Customers agree to immediately inform Noma Projects if they find out or suspect that their data has been subject to unauthorized use.

1.7 Noma Projects will endeavor to ensure that the webshop is available at all times but assumes no liability for the permanent availability of the webshop and the possibility to use the webshop unrestricted and uninterrupted.

1.8 The webshop is hosted on Shopify Inc. They provide Noma Projects with the online e-commerce platform that allows us to sell our products and services to the Customer.

1.9 Noma Projects does not warrant that the quality of any goods, services, information, or other material purchased or obtained by the Customer will meet the Customer's expectations, or that any errors in the webshop will be corrected.

2 Conclusion of contracts

2.1 The webshop displays a selection of products offered to the Customer. When the Customer has placed an order via the checkout flow and received an order confirmation by email, the Customer makes a binding agreement with Noma Projects for the goods in their basket.

2.2 The purchase contract only covers the goods listed in the order confirmation.

2.3 Only normal household quantities of goods may be ordered in the webshop. Consequently, Noma Projects reserves its right to limit the number of goods available for purchase by each individual customer, including any goods available for purchase at special price.

2.4 In the event of unavailability of goods for which the Customer has placed a binding order (i.e. those listed in the order confirmation), Noma Projects will inform the Customer accordingly without undue delay and discuss the possibility of supplying replacement goods. If this is not possible, or at the Customer’s request, Noma Projects will refund the purchase price already paid for the goods in question via the same payment method the Customer used to pay for them. If a voucher has been used to pay for the ordered goods, Noma Projects will restore the voucher to the value of the unavailable goods without prejudice to the provisions of section 10 of these General Terms.

2.5 Goods ordered from Noma Projects will remain Noma Projects’ property until paid for in full.

2.6 Purchase agreements will be concluded in English and Noma Projects will store your purchase agreement electronically in our systems.

3 Prices

3.1 The prices of goods available for purchase are displayed in the webshop and include VAT (to the extent applicable, depending on the location of the purchase) at the rate applicable to each specific product. All goods displayed on the webshop are subject to price changes from time to time without notice to Customers.

3.2 Customers will pay the then-current price for the ordered goods at the time that the Customer places the order. Consequently, any subsequent price adjustments for the goods in question will not affect the price payable by the Customer.

3.3 Customers will be able to see the total value of the goods, and any delivery fees, payable in the basket as well as in the order summary displayed before the order is placed.

3.4 価格には、関税および輸入税は含まれていません。これらの関税は、お客様の国の政府によって設定され、地域によって異なる場合があります。このような料金は、お客様の責任において、配送時にお支払いください。運送業者または税務署は 小包を受け取るためにこれらの支払いを 行う方法をお客様に通知します。お荷物を お受け取りになれなかった場合商品代金や 送料の返金は いたしません。

4 支払条件

4.1 お客様は、注文後、注文商品の購入代金および配送料を直接支払うものとします。

4.2 支払いは、クレジットカード、デビットカード、プリペイドカード、MobilePayおよびeウォレットにより行うことができます。Noma Projectsは、ウェブショップにおける支払方法を随時追加・削除する権利を有する。

4.3 支払後、注文時に顧客が指定した電子メールアドレスに、確認書が顧客に電子メールで送信される。 

5 配送および配送期間

5.1 現地および一時的な規制のもと、Noma Projectsは通常、日曜日および祝日を除く毎日 07:00 から 23:00 の間に配送を行う。Noma Projectsは、正確な配達時間についていかなる保証も行いませんが、顧客が注文を行った際に提示された配達予定時間内にできるだけ早く配達することを目指します。

5.2 注文が完了した後、小包が配達のために当社の倉庫を出たため、顧客の住所変更要求は処理することができません。住所の更新や調整については、宅配業者にご連絡ください。このようなサービスは、各配送業者に依存しており、当社は、住所のリクエストに応じることを保証するものではありません。 

5.3 商品は、注文手続きにおいてお客様が指定した住所に配送されます。お客様は、注文の配送のために完全かつ正確な住所を提供する責任を負い、該当する場合には、さらに配送に関する指示を行うものとします。

5.4 お客様が指定された住所または指定された電話番号のいずれにも連絡できない場合、Noma Projects は、お客様が注文手続き中に明示的にこのオプションを選択した場合に限り、引渡しなしに指定された住所で商品を引き渡します。それ以外の場合、注文された商品の到着時に配送先住所にお客様と連絡が取れない場合、およびお客様に連絡を試みても配送が完了しない場合、配送は該当する宅配便または郵便局で行われることになる。顧客が注文品を回収できない場合、顧客は全額を請求され、Noma Projectsはその結果発生した費用の償還を請求する権利を有する。


6.1 Noma Projects は、注文商品の製品および法的欠陥について、デンマークの法定法に従って責任を負います。その結果、デンマークの契約法に基づく瑕疵の救済に関する規定が購入品に適用されます。顧客が瑕疵に対する損害賠償を請求する場合は、本一般条件の第15条に定める制限に従うものとします。

6.2 製品または法的欠陥に対する請求を希望する場合は、hello@nomaprojects.com までご連絡ください。


7.1 年齢制限など、法定販売制限の対象となる商品は、法定要件を満たす人のみが注文でき、その人にのみ引き渡されるものとします。このため、Noma Projectsは、購入の一部として、お客様が購入条件を満たしていることを確認するよう求め、また、写真付き身分証明書の提示を求めることがあります。

7.2 お客様は、選択によっては、年齢制限の対象となる商品をウェブショップで注文する可能性がありますが、かかる商品は、該当する法定年齢を超えたお客様のみが注文でき、配送されることになります。

7.3 本規定を回避または違反した場合、Noma Projectsは、お客様によるウェブショップの利用を一時的または恒久的に停止し、その結果Noma Projectsが負担した費用の払い戻しをお客様に請求する権利を有します。Noma Projects のバウチャーは、一度だけ利用することができる。バウチャーの条件(例:有効期間、最小注文数量、バウチャーが有効な商品等)は、バウチャーを受領する前に顧客に表示されます。 8.2 顧客は、バウチャーの価値に相当する現金支払いを要求できず、未使用の割引は支払われないでしょう。また、同一の注文に対して複数のバウチャーを組み合わせて使用することはできません。 8.3 お客様がそれぞれのバウチャー利用規約に違反する方法でバウチャーを使用した場合、Noma Projectsはバウチャーを無効にして割引を取り消す権利を有します。 8.


9.1 顧客がデンマーク消費者契約法の意味における消費者である場合、顧客は、法定の規定に従ってNoma Projectsから購入した商品に関して、一般的なキャンセル権を有するものとする。この意味での消費者(および本一般条件の意味での消費者)とは、商業活動または独立した職業活動に 主として帰することができない目的で注文を行う自然人をいう。 9..2 注文した商品の一部または全部をキャンセルして返品したい場合、デンマークの消費者契約法によれば、キャンセルの権利は、(i) 食品、飲料、その他家庭で現在消費している商品、(ii) 劣化または陳腐化が早いと想定される商品、および (iii) 健康または衛生上の理由から返品に適さない場合に封が切れている商品は適用外ですので注意してください。

9.3 その他の商品については、デンマークの消費者契約法に従い、注文をキャンセルする権利を有し、その結果、商品を受け取ってから14日後まで注文をキャンセルすることができます。

9.4 キャンセル権を行使したい場合は、注文をキャンセルする決定について明確な文章でhello@nomaprojects.comの電子メールで当社に知らせる必要があります。

9.5 注文した商品の受領を拒否することによってキャンセル権を行使することはできませんのでご注意ください。

9.6 当社は、返金請求について、ケースバイケースで評価します。については 検定済 払い戻しには、当社が明示的に同意した場合を除き、お客様が最初の取引に使用したのと同じ支払手段を使用します。.Noma Projectsは、商品が当社に返却されるまで、またはお客様が商品を返却した証拠を提出するまで、どちらか早い方まで返済を保留する権利を有します。

9.7 For approved returns, you must return the goods to us or hand them over to us without undue delay, and in any case no later than 14 days after the day on which you have notified us about the cancellation. You will be liable for any direct costs of returning the goods.

9.8 The Customer will be liable for any decrease in the value of returned goods which is due to the goods being handled in a different way than what was necessary to determine the nature of the goods, their properties, and the way they work.

10 Intellectual property rights (IPR)

10.1 The webshop and other parts of the website www.nomaprojects.com as well as the content therein (the "Platform") remain the property of Noma Projects.

10.2 Noma Projects grants Customers a time-limited, non-exclusive, non -sublicensable and non-transferable right to use the Platform in accordance with these General Terms. The term “use” means any access to the Platform in your web browser and any permanent or temporary reproduction of the Platform in the object code by means of storing, loading, executing, or displaying for the purpose of running the Platform on your end device(s).

10.3 Any other and/or further use of the Platform, including the depicted pictures, signs, symbols, or product descriptions contained therein is not permitted without express consent from Noma Projects.

10.4 You agree not to copy, alter, decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer, or otherwise modify the Platform. Noma Projects will not, and will not be obligated to update, support, or otherwise maintain the Platform, nor correct errors in the Platform.

11 Limitations and exclusions of liability

11.1 Noma Projects's liability towards Customers is excluded to the widest extend possible, subject to any statutory liability obligations, including product liability, under Danish law.

11.2 Subject to the foregoing, Noma Projects will in no event be liable for any indirect or consequential damages or losses incurred by Customers. Also, Noma Projects's liability towards the Customer will in all cases be limited to the total amount of the order out of which the damages or losses have arisen.

12 Data protection

12.1 Noma Projects processes the data collected via the Platform in accordance with the relevant statutory provisions, in particular the General Data Protection Regulation and the Danish Data Protection Act. You can find details on the handling of these data in Noma Projects’ privacy policy.

13 Final provisions

13.1 As for comments and feedback submitted to Noma Projects directly, or on any Noma Projects review sites and/or forums, Noma Projects is and shall be under no obligation to (1) maintain any comments in confidence; (2) pay compensation for any comments; or (3) respond to any comments. Noma Projects may, but have no obligation to, monitor, edit or remove content within Noam project's control that Noma Projects determines in our sole discretion are unlawful, offensive, threatening, libelous, defamatory, pornographic, obscene, or otherwise objectionable or violates any party’s intellectual property or these General Terms.

13.2 If one or more provisions of these General Terms are deemed invalid or voided, this will not affect the validity of the remaining provisions set out herein.

13.3 Noma Projects may at any time transfer its rights and obligations under these General Terms and any existing contract with the Customer in part or in full without Customer's consent.

13.4 These General Terms will be governed by the laws of Denmark, excluding the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and any legal provisions which directs another law to apply.

13.5 Any dispute concerning these General Terms will be settled at the City Court of Copenhagen as first instance. However, Noma Projects is also entitled to bring action at the place of performance of the delivery obligation or at the address jurisdiction of the Customer. Notwithstanding the foregoing, priority legal regulations, in particular any exclusive competences and mandatory consumer dispute venue rights will remain unaffected.

13.6 If you wish to complain, we implore you to reach out to us at info@nomaprojects.com in order to find an amicable solution. Any complaint about the goods or services purchased from Noma Projects which cannot be resolved amicably by direct contact with us may be submitted to the Danish Dispute Resolution Centre situated within the House of Committees (in Danish: Nævnenes Hus), Toldboden 2, 8800 Viborg. You can file a complaint by using the complaint portal available at https://naevneneshus.dk.

13.7 Also, please note that the European Commission has set up a platform for the online resolution of disputes between companies and consumers. The ODR platform can be accessed at https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home2.show&lng=EN

13.8 Noma Projects may amend these General Terms from time to time. You can find the current version of the General Terms in our webshop.