このプライバシーポリシーでは、NP 2021 ApS(「Noma Projects」、「私たち」、「当社」)がお客様の個人データを以下の目的で処理する方法について詳しく説明します。
We provide you with this information as we are required to do so under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (the "GDPR") and (for California, US residents) under the California Consumer Protection Act (the "CCPA").
Orders in our webshop
When you place orders via our webshop, we process your name, contact and delivery details, payment details, geolocation details, and information about your order. The purpose is to prepare and deliver the items you have ordered and to send you messages about the delivery etc. The legal basis for our processing of your name and contact details, including your address, as well as your payment information, is article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR, as the processing is necessary for us to fulfil our end of the purchase agreement. Also, we are obligated to store bookkeeping information, including information related to payments/transactions in accordance with Danish bookkeeping legislation. Based on the GDPR, our legal basis for this processing is article 6(1)(c). The personal data will be stored for a period of 5 years after the end of the financial year to which the data pertains.
If you have signed up to our newsletter, we will process your name, email address, geolocation details, customer records, and registered preferences. The purpose is to send you news and offers about our products and projects. The legal basis for our processing is your consent pursuant to article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR. The personal data will be stored for a period of 2 years after the last newsletter was sent to you, unless you have withdrawn your consent at an earlier time.
Use of our website
When you visit our website, we use cookies to collect data about your visits, such as your navigation on the website, the type of browser you use, geolocation details, demographics, and other internet or other electronic network activity information. These data may contain personal data. We collect the data to ensure a stable, secure and customer-friendly experience on our website, as well as to keep statistics about our website visitors. In some cases, data may also be processed to target marketing based on the user behavior. The legal basis for our processing is article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR (for necessary cookies), as we are pursuing our legitimate interest in ensuring functionality and security of our website, and article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR (for other cookies), as this processing will be based on your consent. We disclose information about your use of the website to any third-party service providers that you have allowed to place cookies when you use our website. Personal data contained in cookies will be deleted in accordance with the lifetime/period for each specific cookie. Read more about our cookies, including their lifetime, in our Cookies Policy.
When you communicate with us
When you communicate with us (e.g. via email), your communication may often contain personal data, such as your contact details, audio or other electronic information, and other personal data you may provide to us. The purpose of this processing is to accommodate inquiries and to communicate with you or the company/third party that you may be representing. The legal basis for our processing is article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR, as we are pursuing our legitimate interests in managing general inquiries and providing customer support services or fulfilling any agreements with the company/third party that you may be representing. Personal data pertaining to our general communication with you will be stored for a period of 2 years after the end of the financial year in which the last inquiry was handled.
Categories of recipients of your personal data
We will disclose any personal data included in our order/transaction records to the relevant public authorities, including the tax and customs authorities, in connection with our statutory bookkeeping, etc. Also, we disclose your personal data to the applicable service providers for online payments and to the shipping company that delivers your products. Finally, we make your personal data available to our processors, such as our providers of IT development, hosting and support, and other 3rd party app integrations.
Transfer of personal data
We transfer your personal data to recipients located in countries outside the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA), including the United Kingdom (UK) and USA. The legal basis for such transfers are the European Commission's Adequacy Decision (for UK) and the EU Standard Contractual Clauses (for USA). If you would like more information about the transfers, including a copy of the said legal basis for the transfer, please contact Noma Projects via the contact details below.
お客様の個人データの処理についてデンマークデータ保護庁に苦情を申し立てる場合は、www.datatilsynet.dk から申し立てることができます。また、お客様の権利については、上記のリンクから入手可能なデンマークデータ保護庁のデータ主体の権利に関するガイドラインで詳細をご覧いただけます。
個人情報保護方針についてご質問がある場合は、hello@nomaprojects.com までご連絡ください。
NP 2021 ApS
Rafeshalevej 213A
1432 København K, Denmark